Weekly Rewind: Our favorite stories from around the web

Photo Credit: PR Daily
Photo Credit: PR Daily

In honor of Fourth of July weekend, we’re bringing you fireworks with these eight tips to become a total PR pro!

Hey Now, You’re an All-Star

We wouldn’t work in public relations if we didn’t love it, but sometimes the job isn’t as glamorous as it’s cracked up to be. At times, the fast-paced industry can leave you feeling stressed, but if you master these tips, you’ll learn to embrace the crazy. Here are a few of our favorites:

  • Embrace multitasking – “How am I ever going to get this all done?” It’s a common thought in the PR business, but if you learn the art of multitasking and remain calm, it will all be okay.
  • Think ahead – Working with long-lead publications means that you’re preparing materials and pitching months ahead. Christmas in July!


Did you know that you can gather savvy marketing strategies and insights from Homer Simpson? PR Daily examines four content marketing-centric lessons communicators can take away from a 30 minute episode. For example, when creating content, always give people a reason to care. Over the years, “The Simpsons” have delivered enduring characters, memorable humour and authentic storylines. What’s your hook to get readers invested?

Putting Your Relationship First

PR pros should constantly be working to improve their relationships with the media. Apart from getting to know the reporters that cover the beats relevant to your clients, here are a few tactical ways to promote outreach.

  1. Pitch it short and sweet. Journalists appreciate when you get to the point quickly, and this applies to your subject lines as well.
  2. Put yourself in their shoes. The number of journalists has been dwindling, and the average reporter receives more pitches than they could ever write about. However, journalists say if a pitch seems worthwhile it will rise to the top of their inbox — so keep this in mind and don’t write your pitches haphazardly.

Making Social Media Work for You

Most people can agree that social media plays a vital role in a company’s strategy. However, there is no universal approach to how it should be utilized in every company. PR News breaks down various ways social networking can be used including for customer service interactions, digital marketing and influencer marketing.

Now go Fourth and have a lovely holiday weekend!